Who I am
I am a psychoanalyst, theologian, and pastor. It was only at midlife that I came to see that my early professional choice was shaped by the ‘spirit of the times’: a collective yearning after World War II for peace and mutual understanding in the world. As a result, my early career drew on religious values in response to this. Later, during my training as a psychoanalyst, I came to realise the importance of inner peace and the need to differentiate the various parts of oneself, both intellectual and emotional. Developing to one’s full potential, achieving inner balance, requires both. There is always so much more to know and understand about ourselves. Parts that have been in the shadow can come into the light. They are waiting for us to touch and embrace them.
Stations of my life
Psychoanalyst in private practice in Geneva
Mediator for persons with migration background, in Lausanne
Supervisor for intercultural personal relations, at Action Parrainage, Vaud
Personal development analyst, International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne
Clinical intern at the University Hospital of Geneva
Pastoral worker and spiritual companion in Germany and in the Lake Geneva coast region
·Executive representing Europe in international church organizations
University studies at Tübingen and Göttingen (Germany), and in Geneva, with field experience in Brazil, Chile, Sri Lanka and India
American Field Service (AFS) exchange student, in Pennsylvania (USA)
Born and raised in Celle, Germany
I am a mother who has raised two sons.